
This package provides the functionality to interact with Arbitrable smart contracts. An arbitrable contract creates a dispute and enforces the ruling made by an arbitrator. Arbitrable contracts are also responsible for Evidence and MetaEvidence.


See ERC 792. for more information on Arbitrable contracts.


archon.arbitrable.getEvidence(contractAddress, arbitratorAddress, evidenceGroupID, options={});

Fetch and validate evidence via the Arbitrable smart contract Evidence event logs. For a particular dispute.


See ERC 1497. for the EvidenceJSON spec and information on how to correctly use the events with hashes


  1. contractAddress - String: The address of the arbitrable contract.
  2. arbitratorAddress - String: The address of the arbitrator contract.
  3. evidenceGroupID - Number: The evidence group ID.
  4. options - Object: Optional parameters.

The options parameter can include:

Key Type Description
strict bool If true, an error will throw if hash or chain ID validations fail.
strictHashes bool [DEPRECATED] If true, an error will throw if hash validations fail.
customHashFn fn Hashing function that should be used to validate the hashes.
fromBlock int The block where we start searching for event logs.
toBlock int The block where we will stop searching for event logs.
filters object Additional filters for event logs.


Use getDispute to get the evidenceGroupID for a dispute.


Promise.<Object[]> - A Promise resolving to an array of objects containing the EvidenceJSON, the validity of the JSON and evidence file, and submission information.

  evidenceJSONValid: <Bool>, // validity of evidenceJSON
  fileValid: <Bool>, // validity of evidence found at evidenceJSON.fileURI
  evidenceJSON: <Object>,
  submittedBy: <String>, // from event log
  submittedAt: <Number>, // epoch timestamp in seconds
  blockNumber: <Number>,
  transactionHash: <String> // The hash of the submission transaction


  "0x91697c78d48e9c83b71727ddd41ccdc95bb2f012", // arbitrable contract address
  "0x211f01e59b425253c0a0e9a7bf612605b42ce82c", // arbitrator contract address
  1, // dispute ID
    strict: true
).then(data => {

> [{
    evidenceJSONValid: true,
    fileValid: true,
    evidenceJSON: {"fileURI": "/ipfs/...", ...},
    submittedBy: "0x8254175f6a6E0FE1f63e0eeb0ae487cCf3950BFb",
    submittedAt: 1539022733,
    blockNumber: 6503576,
    transactionHash: "0xe91603b9d4bf506972820f499bf221cdfb48cbfd426125af5ab647dca39a3f4e"
    evidenceJSONValid: true,
    fileValid: true,
    evidenceJSON: {"fileURI": "/ipfs/...", ...},
    submittedBy: "0xc55a13e36d93371a5b036a21d913a31CD2804ba4",
    submittedAt: 1539025000,
    blockNumber: 6503570,
    transactionHash: "0x340fdc6e32ef24eb14f9ccbd2ec614a8d0c7121e8d53f574529008f468481990"


archon.arbitrable.getMetaEvidence(contractAddress, metaEvidenceID, options={});

Fetch and validate MetaEvidence via the Arbitrable smart contract MetaEvidence event logs. There are up to 3 hashes validated. The hash of the MetaEvidenceJSON, the hash of the primary document file specified at MetaEvidenceJSON.fileURI, and the hash of the external interface used to render the evidence found at MetaEvidenceJSON.evidenceDisplayInterfaceURL.


See ERC 1497. for the MetaEvidenceJSON spec and information on how to correctly use the events with hashes


  1. contractAddress - String: The address of the arbitrable contract.
  2. metaEvidenceID - Number|String: The unique identifier of the MetaEvidence event log.
  3. options - Object: Optional parameters.

The options parameter can include:


Use getDispute to get the metaEvidenceID for a dispute.


If more than one MetaEvidence exists for the given metaEvidenceID, only the first submitted metaEvidence will be returned.


See MetaEvidece Scripts for detailed description on creating scripts compatible with Archon.


Promise.<Object> - Promise resolving to an object containing the MetaEvidenceJSON and the validity of the the hashes

  metaEvidenceValid: <Bool>,
  fileValid: <Bool>,
  interfaceValid: <Bool>,
  metaEvidenceJSON: <Object>,
  submittedAt: <Number>,
  blockNumber: <Number>,
  transactionHash: <String>


    strict: false
).then(data => {

> {
    metaEvidenceValid: true,
    fileValid: true,
    interfaceValid: false,
    metaEvidenceJSON: {"fileURI": "/ipfs/...", ...},
    submittedAt: 1539025000,
    blockNumber: 6503570,
    transactionHash: "0x340fdc6e32ef24eb14f9ccbd2ec614a8d0c7121e8d53f574529008f468481990"


archon.arbitrable.getRuling(contractAddress, arbitratorAddress, disputeID, options={});

Fetch data from the Ruling event log.


  1. contractAddress - String: The address of the arbitrable contract.
  2. arbitratorAddress - String: The address of the arbitrator contract.
  3. disputeID - Number: The unique identifier of the dispute.
  4. options - Object: Optional parameters.

The options parameter can include:

Key Type Description
fromBlock int The block where we start searching for event logs.
toBlock int The block where we will stop searching for event logs.
filters object Additional filters for event logs.


Promise.<Object> - A Promise resolving to data from the ruling event log, including the final ruling.

  ruling: <String>, // The ruling returned as a number string
  ruledAt: <Number>, // epoch timestamp in seconds
  blockNumber: <Number>,
  transactionHash: <String> // The hash of the submission transaction


).then(data => {

> {
  ruling: "1",
  ruledAt: 1539025000,
  blockNumber: 6503570,
  transactionHash: "0x340fdc6e32ef24eb14f9ccbd2ec614a8d0c7121e8d53f574529008f468481990"


archon.arbitrable.getDispute(contractAddress, arbitratorAddress, disputeID, options={});

Fetch the dispute creation event. This event is used to link metaEvidenceID to a dispute.


  1. contractAddress - String: The address of the arbitrable contract.
  2. arbitratorAddress - String: The address of the arbitrator contract.
  3. disputeID - Number: The unique identifier of the dispute.
  4. options - Object: Optional parameters.

The options parameter can include:

Key Type Description
fromBlock int The block where we start searching for event logs.
toBlock int The block where we will stop searching for event logs.
filters object Additional filters for event logs.


Promise.<Object> - A Promise resolving to data from the dispute event log including the metaEvidenceID

  metaEvidenceID: <String>,
  evidenceGroupID: <String>,
  createdAt: <Number>,
  blockNumber: <Number>,
  transactionHash: <String>


).then(data => {

> {
  metaEvidenceID: "0",
  evidenceGroupID: "3",
  createdAt: 1539025000,
  blockNumber: 6503570,
  transactionHash: "0x340fdc6e32ef24eb14f9ccbd2ec614a8d0c7121e8d53f574529008f468481990"